Over the last 11 years, insiders at Coupa Software Inc have traded over $240,297,981 worth of Coupa Software Inc stock and bought 1,103,475 units worth $19,971,341 . The most active insiders traders include Robert Bernshteyn, Ix Lp Ninth Mdv Partners, L... y Neeraj Agrawal. On average, Coupa Software Inc executives and independent directors trade stock every 7 days with the average trade being worth of $2,412,582. The most recent stock trade was executed by Anthony D Tiscornia on 1 February 2023, trading 845 units of COUP stock currently worth $67,558.
Coupa empowers companies around the world with the visibility and control they need to spend smarter and safer.
Coupa Software Inc executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: