Jesse A. Fittipaldi is the Chief Strategy Officer at Arcimoto Inc.
Mr Fittipaldi is 45, he's been the Chief Strategy Officer of Arcimoto Inc since . There are 5 older and no younger executives at Arcimoto Inc. The oldest executive at Arcimoto Inc is Dilip K. Sundaram, 62, who is the Chief International Bus. Officer.
Jesse's mailing address filed with the SEC is C/O ARCIMOTO, INC., 2034 WEST 2ND AVENUE, EUGENE, OR, 97402.
Over the last 7 years, insiders at Arcimoto Inc have traded over $1,161,900 worth of Arcimoto Inc stock and bought 277,897 units worth $844,453 . The most active insiders traders include Terry L Becker, Mark Frohnmayer y Jesse Grant Eisler. On average, Arcimoto Inc executives and independent directors trade stock every 87 days with the average trade being worth of $13,657. The most recent stock trade was executed by Douglas M Campoli on 4 January 2022, trading 20,000 units of FUV stock currently worth $50,000.
about arcimoto: founded in 2007, arcimoto is a eugene, oregon-based company whose mission is to develop products and technologies that catalyze the shift to a sustainable transportation system. the name arcimoto means “future i drive” and is the company and its customers' aspiration: to devise and adopt new technologies and patterns of mobility that together raise the bar for environmental efficiency, footprint and affordability. about the srk: arcimoto’s first vehicle model, the srk, is fun, cool, safe, practical and affordable three-wheeled electric motorcycle. the srk features tandem seating for two passengers, a full enclosure space frame, plenty of space for groceries, dual-motor front-wheel drive, and an optimal center of gravity. at an initial target base price of $11,900, the srk will be the first affordable plug-in vehicle fully suited to daily transportation.
Arcimoto Inc executives and other stock owners filed with the SEC include: