El Beneficio por dividendo de Fact, Inc. es N/A
El rendimiento de dividendos representa la relación entre los dividendos pagados a los accionistas por acción y el precio de mercado por acción durante un año final.
The dividend yield or dividend-price ratio of a share is the dividend per share, divided by the price per share. It is also a company's total annual dividend payments divided by its market capitalization, assuming the number of shares is constant, and is often expressed as a percentage. The reciprocal of the dividend yield is the price-dividend ratio.
A higher dividend yield has been considered to be desirable among many investors. A high dividend yield can be considered to be evidence that a stock is underpriced or that the company has fallen on hard times and future dividends will not be as high as previous ones. Similarly a low dividend yield can be considered evidence that the stock is overpriced or that future dividends might be higher. Some investors may find a higher dividend yield attractive, for instance as an aid to marketing a fund to retail investors, or maybe because they cannot get their hands on the capital, which may be tied up in a trust arrangement. In contrast some investors may find a higher dividend yield unattractive, perhaps because it increases their tax bill.
Fact, Inc. engages in the art verification and authentication, sports memorabilia, and fine art businesses. It is developing a front-end user interface, as well as modifying existing ballistics firmware for a comprehensive verification, tracking, and reporting system using white light interferometry to take a non-destructive 3D digital fingerprint of the art using approximately 100,000 unique images. The company was formerly known as Tiburon International Trading Corp. and changed its name to Fact, Inc. in November 2020. FACT, Inc. is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. As of October 5, 2020, Fact, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Kryptos Art Technologies, Inc.