QIWI plc Valor de la empresa

¿Qué es el Valor de la empresa de QIWI plc?

El Valor de la empresa de QIWI plc es N/A

¿Cuál es la definición de Valor de la empresa?

El valor empresarial es una medida del valor de mercado total de una empresa. Se calcula como capitalización de mercado con deuda, interés minoritario y acciones preferentes menos el efectivo total y equivalentes de efectivo.

It is a sum of claims by all claimants including creditors (secured and unsecured) and shareholders (preferred and common). Enterprise value is one of the fundamental metrics used in business valuation, financial modeling, accounting, portfolio analysis, and risk analysis. Enterprise value is more comprehensive than market capitalization, which only reflects common equity and is considered more representative of a company’s value. Enterprise value reflects the opportunistic nature of business and may change substantially over time because of both external and internal conditions.

Enterprise value can be negative if the company holds abnormally high amounts of cash that is not reflected in the market value of the stock and total capitalization. Cash is subtracted in the calculation because it reduces the net cost to a potential purchaser. The effect applies whether the cash is used to issue dividends or to pay down debt. Value of minority interest is added because it reflects the claim on assets consolidated into the firm in question. Value of associate companies is subtracted because it reflects the claim on assets consolidated into other firms. EV should also include such special components as unfunded pension liabilities, employee stock options, environmental provisions, abandonment provisions, and so on, since they also reflect claims on the company.

¿Qué hace QIWI plc?

qiwi is a leading provider of next generation payment services in russia and the cis. it has an integrated proprietary network that enables payment services across physical, online and mobile channels. it has deployed over 17.3 million virtual wallets, over 177,000 kiosks and terminals, and enabled merchants to accept over rub 50 billion cash and electronic payments monthly from over 70 million consumers using its network at least once a month. qiwi’s consumers can use cash, stored value and other electronic payment methods to order and pay for goods and services across physical or online environments interchangeably. qiwi – ведущий платежный сервис нового поколения в россии и странах снг, которому принадлежит интегрированная платежная сеть, позволяющая производить платежи по физическим, интернет и мобильным каналам связи. она включает свыше 17,3 млн виртуальных кошельков и более 177 000 терминалов и точек приема платежей. с помощью qiwi торговые компании принимают платежи (в денежной