El Ingresos Y/Y de KBC Ancora SCA es N/A
El crecimiento anual de los ingresos de los últimos 3 años es el crecimiento de los ingresos de un año a otro promediado en los últimos 3 años.
The yearly revenue growth rate is calculated as the percentage change in revenue over the trailing twelve months. For this specific metric, the calculation takes into account a series of the last eight quarterly revenues. The revenue growth is useful for determining the success of the company expanding its main business. Revenue growth of 5% to 10% is usually considered good for large-cap companies. For other companies, a sales growth of over 10% is more desirable.
KBC Ancora SCA holds participating interest in KBC Group SA. The company was formerly known as Almancora SCA and changed its name to KBC Ancora SCA in June 2007. KBC Ancora SCA was incorporated in 1998 and is based in Leuven, Belgium. KBC Ancora SCA is a subsidiary of Cera SC.